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Indivisible Staff

Adnan Bokhari smiling in dark suit

Adnan Bokhari


Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC)


Adnan is a member of the Executive Leadership Team and plays a key role in advancing NCRC’s strategic priorities, including building organizational resiliency through the combined power of people and systems.

Adnan is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with over 20 years of finance and operations experience in the nonprofit sector. Prior to joining NCRC in November 2021, he served as the Chief Operating Officer of the National Immigration Law Center, and the CFO and COO for Prosperity Now; each a nationally recognized movement leader in their respective issue areas of immigrant rights and economic justice. Through decades of experience, Adnan has gained expertise in leading change and garnered a reputation for building resilient organizations.  

Adnan has lived experiences as a low-income, asset poor, first-generation immigrant, and is passionate about creating opportunities for others. He was the first Pakistani-American to be elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Golden Key International Honour Society (2016-2020), the world’s largest collegiate honor society. In 2018, Adnan was appointed by Governor Ralph Northam to the Board of the Virginia Community Colleges System (VCCS) overseeing all 23 Community Colleges across the Commonwealth. He also serves on the Boards of the National Housing Trust (NHT) and the Indivisible Project; working to preserve affordable housing and to protect our democracy.